photo: jorg meyer

photo: jorg meyer

I am...

an image maker, shape shifter -- a perception challenger -- who delights in unearthing magic and possibility…

I am...

much more than these words:

a dancer, a choreographer, a writer, an anthropologist ,a designer… an activist, a photographer, a filmmaker, mother and #jackmaster…

I am…

an explorer, a native New Yorker...a fortunate traveler ...baptized in the pavements of my city – for whom, dance has been my passport to life...

I am...

a reminder that we are not yet there.  that we can learn more from each other. that we can challenge societal ills and still bring forth beauty...

I am...

seeped in justice, covered in love, grounded in mysticism and creating art to aid in the liberation and recovery of the human race.

dance is the filter through which i see everything. i move in a ritual sense, offering thanks to those who have paved this path with rhythmic feet pounding the earth like a heartbeat…I agree with Pina.

as long as we dance, we will never be lost ...





photo: David McDuffie, NYC